Kids vs. Puppies
One day I was discussing with my dad on if I would be having any more children. I believe this conversation happened after my third child but before my fourth and I thought it was the greatest analogy ever. My dad said ‘you know babies are just like puppies.’ I couldn’t help but laugh and really think more about what he said and now I really do compare the two!
Puppies are so cute and little! Its no big deal that they have stinky little puppy breath and oh well if I have to clean up a tiny bit of puppy poo, they are just so cute how can you be mad? Then the puppies start to grow just a little to quick. They become super hyper, need constant attention and non-stop discipline. They sure don’t listen when you tell them to get off the couch or stop chewing your shoes. They are still cute but start to drive you nuts and sure are a ton of work! They need to be fed and watered, then they have vet appointments and medicines. They end up costing more money than you would have thought as well as time. But then they grow and start to get old. They slow down and they have learned to mind what you tell them. They are much better behaved and they turn into your best friend and you feel bad about those days when you considered selling them to ‘a good home’. You and your puppy, now dog, turned into best friends and you just couldn’t image life without them!
The puppy and puppy teenage years are so much like what you go through with kids it makes me laugh! I hope and expect that as my kids get older we will maintain a wonderful relationship that will be like the friendship that I have with my own parents. My husband and I decided that four kids was it for us, our house, cars, hands and hearts are full! But no matter the number of children you have just remember going into it and making the decision to have a child or have more children, babies are like puppies!
~Brooke Elizabeth