What is a doula?
Dictionary Definition: a woman, typically without formal obstetric training, who is employed to provide guidance and support to a pregnant woman during labor
I am a certified doula through DONA International and Lifespan doulas. I am here to offer you guidance and support through your entire labor and delivery. It has been proven that women with a doula present have medical interventions less often! I will assist you in following your birthing plan and help you through unexpected changes in your plan as well!
Brooke Elizabeth
Our Mission
My goal is to lead women and their birthing team through a pleasant, stress-free and fear-free labor and delivery. Stress and fear from the mother are two factors that I see that highly contribute to undesired medical interference while laboring. With the right mentality and plan in place, together we can guide you through the labor and delivery of your dreams!
Step One: Decide your need for a birth doula to join your birthing team and then set up a virtual meeting with me. We will then determine if we are the right fit to work together through your labor and delivery! As your birth doula I will accompany you through your labor and delivery to help provide a safe and satisfying birth experience. I will utilize my training to provide emotional support, physical comfort and communication to help ensure you are receiving all the information you desire throughout your labor process. I will help with relaxation, positions and comfort techniques as well as ensuring your partner is fully involved and included should that be your desire.
Step Two: Prenatal meeting with me which will be no later than 38 weeks pregnant we will discuss your birth plan, or help you create one and lay out the details of your expectations from me. We will also discuss some of the techniques you are interested in using for coping and rule out those that you are not. We will highlight the priorities in your birth plan and remain in contact should anything change prior to birth. Please note 50% payment in the form of cash or check is due at this time.
Step Three: Should we have time for another prenatal meeting which will occur no later than 38 weeks pregnant, we will discuss final birth planning details and ensure you are ready for labor and delivery. Also, 100% payment, in the form of cash or check will be due at this time.
Step Four: Attending the birth. I prefer to be notified you are in labor as soon as possible even if my presence is not yet required. I will meet you at our pre-determined location to support you as soon as you are ready for my presence. We will work together through the entire labor and delivery. I will not depart until you and baby are comfortable, and everything has settled. I can assist in the initial feeding if needed.
Step Five: Post partum follow up. I will be checking in with in the days following your delivery often via text. If desired, we will have a follow up zoom or phone call within the weeks following delivery. I am available to you if you have questions or need follow up resources.