Does a doula take away from my spouse?
No. I like to think of a doula as sort of your own personal assistant for you and your spouse throughout labor. I offer support to your spouse as well and will help make them comfortable in the labor and delivery process. I will show and explain to your spouse what they can do to help you. I will offer reassurance and time to rest to the spouse if needed throughout the labor. I will most certainly back away when intimate moments occur between you and your spouse, even snap a photo of those moments if desired. If for any reason your spouse has leave your side at any time, I will be there to fill the void until they can return.
Do I need a doula for cesarean?
Yes. Just as much as someone who plans a natural birth! Cesarean can be a scary time especially for someone who has never had surgery, planned or unplanned. There is still a need for coaching and support throughout cesarean for both mom and spouse. There is a strong need for reassurance, love, support and communication. After the baby is born it is likely the spouse may back away from mom and focus on baby, in this time I would be there to fill the void. In the time when mom is alone and doesn’t know what is happening to her body or to her baby, I can be there to talk to her, explain what is happening and keep her up to date on how baby is doing.
Do I need a doula if I have a midwife?
Yes. Even though a midwife can be there to help with positioning and comfort measures, she is still the one who has to focus on the baby as well as mom. With a doula, I will be coaching and talking and focusing on you directly throughout the labor as well as the birthing process. I will be right there focusing on you while baby is being born and immediately after.