What is a TENS?
Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation. The treatment consists of passing mild electrical impulses through the skin, via electrode pads. TENS impulses help your body produce its own pain-killing substances, such as endorphins.
**Resource: ‘A women’s guide to drug free pain relief. By Dr Gordon Gadsby. May 2018
Benefits of use
Drug free, non invasive form of labor pain management
Laboring woman is in control of the machine at all times
Can begin use in early labor
Free to move around while in use
Can use in conjunction with an IV and other pain medications
Able to stop use at any given time if desired
No known side effects to mother or baby
should not use
Prior to 37 weeks gestation
If one has a cardiac pacemaker
If one has a history of seizure
If care provider does not approve of use
In water