Tooth Fairy Fails!

I will be the first to admit, I don’t know the history behind the tooth fairy and maybe there isn’t any, but it started somehow. I don’t know who started this silly tradition but whoever started it, I would have to guess they didn’t have four kids and both parents with full time jobs! Maybe that’s a lame excuse but regardless, what is the POINT!?

First of all, it’s a lie (much like Santa and the Easter bunny) so really, my kids believe a fairy flies into their room at night and steals their tooth and puts coins under their pillow?? Can we say Creepy!? Why don’t they have nightmares about that, like no thank you. Then when they get older and find out the tooth fairy is just your mother, talk about disappointing. Usually it ends up being something like, ‘duh, I knew it was just mom.’ But secretly you didn’t know and something inside of you dies a little because the magic of life is fading away…

Secondly, how am I supposed to remember to stay awake and put money under my kids pillow? I get it with the first kid or if you only have one kid it can be fun and exciting because as a parent you are excited to do the ‘fun’ first time parenting things. It’s like waiting for your first kid to walk and talk, by the fourth kid you hope they wait as long as possible to start doing those things because you know when it starts it doesn't stop!

So ultimately last week my second oldest child lost his fourth tooth at dinner, which was great. Until four days later I was putting him to bed and he said to me ‘the tooth fairy is never going to come’ with tears in his eyes. Okay why didn’t he remind me on day one that the tooth fairy sucks? I told him ‘Well the weather has been so bad and it is busy season for the tooth fair you know, so I bet she comes tonight’ (busy season for lost teeth? Better than nothing) Needless to say the tooth fairy came that night and gave him some extra coins for being late… Parenting FAIL.

We do what we can though and he was happy enough, hopefully he isn’t too scarred from the delay of the tooth fairy. One day he will realize the truth of parenting fails when he is doing the same for his kids. But if I could I would suggest to the world that we disregard the tooth fairy please. Let’s go ahead and stop telling our kids they get coins for teeth from a creepy night time fairy! But for now, just keep doing your best and our kids will end up just fine, like we did, right?! : )

With Love,
Brooke Elizabeth


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